Jerusalem ...
IX - With the Days, the Years ... 2001 - 2003
February 14, 2001 - Sitting in my little basement chapel on this morning of St. Valentine's Day and still crushed by yesterday's news of the assassination of the owner of the land of the Birch Tree of the apparitions in the very heart of The Asylum City (see map of the area in the preamble pages), I can only utter in my heart but a muted moan of sorrow to Our Lady of Lourdes, the One who came to the birch in August of 1992 (cf. photo A21, of Section V) to usher five years of apparitions, and whose statue is just in front of me.
Suddenly in a flash, I very clearly see in front of me St. Uriel, the one who came to preside over the great manifestation by Heaven in the skies above The Asylum City, on November 17, 1989 (cf. photo A2, Section V).
I see him distinctly this time despite the short duration of the apparition. His wings are deployed on each side. His hair is light blonde and his eyes are blue. He wears a white tunic with a golden sash. He stretches his hands towards me without saying a word though, but his gesture lifts from my heart the overflow of sadness.
Also I have the comprehension that the death of this man who employed himself so diligently to turn into a park the rather forested surroundings of the birch, in the heart of the forest, was not in vain, that this man had been the victim of Hell's fury and that his reward, to have worked so meticulously near the birch without knowing however the nature of the land, is great. This is what Christiane of France will tell me later on in a phone conversation.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 20, 2001 - On rising this morning, I clearly hear St. Ariel, my guardian angel tell me, "Strip your bed." Although I find these words rather strange I immediately proceed to take off the covers, and what will not be my surprise to see come out between the sheets an enormous grey-black spider, which I immediately hit with the full force of my hand to crush it. I momentarily turn about to put aside the first sheet to come back to pick up the carcass of the insect, but it has disappeared! And however hard I search, nothing.
This most unwonted discovery explained why for a certain time I had all the torso covered with bites itching to the point of scratching to the blood nearly. I make a call to Christiane of France right away who confirms what I sense that this is caused by the demon, enraged for we are praying specially for Marie-Paule of Canada, grappling with the innumerable traps set by Hell to prevent her to accomplish her task as "servant" of Our Lady of all Peoples.
Many weeks will be required by my system to rid itself of the ill-effects from the poisonous bites of the infernal insect, I am told by Christiane of France, a member of a group of mystics in France called The Aviary by Our Lady of the Light, a group headed by Little Dove, formerly associated with The Little Pebble.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 25, 2001 - During the hymn of the Salve Regina at the end of the prayers at Noella Comeau's apartment, in Beresford, NB, I suddenly see a large amber cross of light with the body of Christ on the cross, with his Head lowered to his right. He looked suspended as we can see on John Paul II's crucifix. The cross appeared on the left of a large picture of Our Lady of All Peoples.
On that day, the feast of The Annunciation, the people who habitually came to the monthly reunion of The Army of Mary were not there, being replaced by new people. This fact denoted, as I understood it, a new stage in the prayer group, that there was on that day a demarcation between the past and the future. And this made me wonder whether was coming about the bishops' wish, in Quebec, to put an end to the work and that a new orientation would now have to be given to the prayer groups ... a wish in the balance for quite a while.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 3, 2001 - To know more about the mention of a "white birch" in a journal extract sent to me, I fax the following:
Dear Little Pebble,
In "Vision 2004", on page 3 of the summary by the paper "Ave Maria", 109 Medhurst Cr., Gravesend, DA12-4HH, England, it is written: "The world will shout: There is a God!' Our Lord remains suspended in the sky, then slowly He takes on the form of a birch tree (this has a special meaning, as a prophecy was made in Germany centuries ago in connection with a birch tree)."
Would the birch tree in question be the one and the same as in The Asylum City where Our Lady came for 5 years, i.e. from August 27, 1992 to September 30, 1997? Could you ask Our Lady this?
Also, in the wee hours of this April 2, 2001, I had a long dream-vision of St. Joseph dressed in work clothes and sitting on a low stool of his epoch in a newly built cedar house while a group of us said the rosary standing in front of a crucifix my mother used to keep well in sight in her living room. I knew every person in the room, and Marie Degrechie* was leading the rosary. I am standing with everyone when, from the corner of my eye, I saw St. Joseph sitting on that low stool on the other side of the long room. He is smiling and seemed so fatherly that I walked over to him, knelt at his feet with the urge to put my joined hands on his one knee up while he stretched out his left leg.
He talked for a good while before introducing a group of newly arrived clerics in black clergyman suits. There were 4 or 5, but only one was a priest who was from Southern Africa, probably as a missionary, and they were all to join the Community of St. Joseph. I thought I recognized one** who was a brother.
Could you ask Our Lady if this was a true dream-vision?
* What came as a surprise and a confirmation was to
see the next day Marie Degrechie wearing the dress I had seen her
wear in the dream-vision, a dress she had never worn before!
** The brother I recognized was Luc, Noella Comeau's
nephew who is now a member of the Sons and Daughters of Mary, a
community established by Marie-Paule.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 4, 2001 - Follows an answer to the above from The Little Pebble:
Dear John/Albert,
The birch tree is symbolic of France and Germany and the great battle to come.
The dream-vision is true. It has far-reaching implications.
Our Holy Mother blessed you,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 13, 2001 - While I am meditating on the passion and death of Christ, sitting in front of an image of the Holy Face, an image of the Eternal Father, as well as a statue of Our Lady of All Peoples, inwardly I make the following comment, the while adressing myself to Jesus, "It is today that You died."
I then get the surprise to be told, "No, it is not today, but one day I shall make humanity know the exact day, which will not change with the years.
"Your present calendar is not correct. It is based on pagan notions with pagan names to designate the months. And all is calculated on the moon as if it is this heavenly body which rules your time. That which is not exact, for the moon has nothing to do with the rotation of the earth which has often changed with events. So in the New Era you will have another calendar which will be more fixed and certainly not based on the moon."
And the Lord to talk in a tone both stern and sad at the same time.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
May 26, 2001 - Here is what I write to William Kamm, The Little Pebble, of Nowra, Australia, to remind him of the dream-vision I had received on May 27, 1998 and the answer he had sent on June 6, 1998 (cf. Section VIII):
Dear William,
It has been on my mind for some time now to remind you of the dream-vision received on May 27, 1998 which concerned you heavily. It is when I came across this account lately that I felt prompted interiorly to e-mail you a reminder.
With the prompting came the understanding that you are perhaps (being) persuaded to dismiss this dream-vision lately although you had deemed it true on June 6, 1998. So I can only wonder what is happening of late.
Please re-read the concerns by Heaven about you that I have received beginning in January 1989 and which I have sent you, and believe they hinge on the dream-vision of May 27, 1998 which you should reconsider seriously as time is now running out.
God bless and guide you,
Shortly after sending the e-mail, I receive the following response:
Dear John/Albert,
Remain at peace for I am on the steady course mapped out by Jesus, and all will be fulfilled at the right time as much is being prepared now.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
May 27, 2001 - On the feast of The Ascension, as I am saying my rosary before Mass, I suddenly see in my mind Marie-Paule reading Section VIII, going over it while slowly turning the pages, all pensive and wondering as if she was plunged in a past she was rediscovering. Her gestures also of passing and repassing the hands over the pages was as a means for her to absorb more profoundly the content.
All ended when the Mass was about to start, and I shall not be able to recall anything of what I had experienced until I was at Marie DeGrechie's and sitting in the rocking chair where so often came back to my mind phenomenons, a chair in which I was sitting when I saw Our Lady of Lourdes descend at the Birch Tree in The Asylum City.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 10, 2001 - During the monthly meeting of the prayer group at Noëlla Comeau's place, the second manifestation at that place occurred during the Salve Regina. This time, but always in very rapid fashion, passed in front of my closed eyes the vision of two black horizontal lines converging to a certain point in the future, the two lines passing in front of the picture of Our Lady of All Peoples. I was stunned to first see between the two converging black lines the recumbent figure of John XXIII, then the two other deceased popes after him, without seeing them distinctly however, and the two lines to converge toward the place of a fourth figure not yet there, but shortly I understood. So John Paul II's death is not that far off I understood.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 17, 2001 - On this feast of The Blessed Sacrament or Corpus Christi, during the rosary at Marie DeGrechie's house, again during the Salve Regina, flashed before my closed eyes the life-size, rugged outdoor cement statue of Our Lady dressed in a long green mantle, the same green as shown to me by St. Joseph in the sun, on January 21, 1989 (cf. Section VIII). Our Lady was wearing a massive golden crown which covered part of her forehead.
I have yet to grasp the full understanding of this vision. What I gather so far is that this was in answer to a plea to St. Joseph to soon send us a priest and fully establish the Community of St. Joseph as announced by the Eternal Father, on the night of February 23 to 24, 1989 (cf. picture A10, in Section V).
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 23, 2001 - On this feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary, during a phone conversation with Christiane of France,* I try to have her seize the full scope of God the Father's project, The Asylum City. She listens, then I have the surprise, a short while afterwards, to hear the phone ring with Christiane at the other end of the line.
"I am calling", she says, "to tell you that, yes, I
now understand the amplitude of The Asylum City. You are right, it is
enormous. This comprehension came while I was reciting the Angelus.
At the words, I am the handmaid of the Lord' I was suddenly
flooded with a deep understanding, and so I was anxious to call you
to let you know."
*Christiane had been put in contact with me by
Joël Brunelle, of Paris, whom I had met during my trip to France
in August of last year. After having been given my phone number she
says she was told by Heaven to contact me, which she did after a
pilgrimage to Lourdes.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 3, 2001 - The following is what I felt prompted to fax to The Little Pebble:
Dear Little Pebble,
Greetings. I have been wanting to send you a word before, but I have been very busy revamping The Third Testament on The Asylum City for the Internet.
I have wanted to write, for ever since this spring Heaven has increased its manifestations through my guardian angel St. Ariel. Moreover, for the past month or so I have been seeing Our Lady in the form of various statues, as always during the hymn of the Salve Regina at the end of our prayer gatherings.
As I do not know the full meaning of this new phase, I thought I would come to you to know whether I am under hallucinations or not, as the apparitions are always in a flash.
Perhaps Heaven could enlighten you regarding this. One big question is of course on my mind: it is whether or not Heaven is about to show me a new phase of manifestations as a prelude to new developments regarding The Asylum City.
As always,
Later in the evening I receive the following from The Little Pebble:
Dear John/Albert,
You are not having hallucinations. Record all and wait.
Time is moving fast and events will come fast upon us. So be patient.
God bless,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 6, 2001 - Following the understanding concerning The Asylum City received on this First Friday, after a plea to St. Joseph, at the morning Mass, I thought I ought to share this enlightenment with The Little Pebble in order to receive his comments, according to what would be permitted by Heaven:
Dear Little Pebble,
Greetings. A most unusual revelation came to me this morning as I was revising The Third Testament on The Asylum City after Mass. It came like a flash that The Asylum City IS The New Jerusalem, the City of the Immaculate.
I had gotten some inkling that something was afoot when Our Lady had come in her statue of Our Lady of All Peoples, all in white, during the hymn of the Salve Regina the Sunday before at the end of our prayer-group meeting. And I thus understood, moreover, that Our Lady is to reign in her City as Our Lady of All Peoples.
Remember, The Asylum City is replacing The City of the Immaculate that was to be established in Lac-Etchemin, Quebec, by Marie-Paule, the "servant" of Our Lady of All Peoples.
And you as Peter, with the other 11 new Apostles of the Latter Days, you are then to come and live in The Asylum City, otherwise known in Heaven as The City of the Immaculate, The New Jerusalem.
Is Our Lady not called the New Sion in the Bible? And Sion does it not designate Jerusalem?
In the evening, around 8:00 p.m. I receive the following by fax:
Dear John/Albert,
This is correct, but it is only part of the puzzle. God bless,
The Little Pebble
The same evening, at 10:45 p.m., after having received the answer above, I again fax The Little Pebble:
Dear Little Pebble,
Please be more explicit. I would not want to mislead anyone.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 9, 2001 - The three-day awaited answer came at 10:22 p.m.:
Dear John/Albert,
As this matter is not important at this stage, I do not have the time to explain. God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 15, 2001 - Around 2:00 a.m. I awake very tired from two strange visions where I had seen myself, during the first one, right in the middle of a Mass that charismatics had invaded and celebrated in a bizarre fashion mixing Mass, Benediction of the Holy Eucharist, etc, all cadenced by songs and dances. For protection I started to say aloud the prayer to St. Michael.
All vanish to see myself in another place where I see Marie-Paule surrounded by a throng of women of a certain age pressing around her to the point of smothering her. I want to greet her but she feigns not to see me ... on account of these women who are embarrassing her: we shall soon see, I tell myself. Inwardly I have the feeling that Marie-Paule is no more in control.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 16, 2001 - In order to elicit a response, given the enormous importance of the matter, I write the following to The Little Pebble by fax:
Dear Little Pebble,
If I may ... Your answer faxed to me on July 9, 2001, following my request of July 6, 2001 to be more explicit, is almost an echo of what you had sent me on June 21, 1997, regarding the "importance" of the name "The Asylum City", the comprehension then being it was "just another" refuge, although there was already given in that message a clue of prime importance as to the true nature of The Asylum City, when Our Lady said, "I am this Refuge."
Then it was not the time for Heaven to be more explicit, but now in the month of the Precious Blood, on July 6, 2001, through St. Joseph, the true identity of The Asylum City is revealed: IT IS THE NEW JERUSALEM! ... a news of prime import, as the New Church in The New Era is to be the Church of John, and so Heaven deemed it appropriate to reveal this to John of The Latter Days. Would you concur?
Of course this role does not take away anything from Peter of The Latter Days. He has a role of tantamount importance according to Blessed Catherine Emmerich. God bless,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 20, 2001 - As events are moving fast I have to write to Marie-Paule the following:
Dear Marie-Paule,
I had, Thursday, the pleasure of reading the last issue of the paper, "Le Royaume." Great was my joy of seeing that you were remaining in place: moreover, you were accepting the role of superior of The Community of Our Lady of All Peoples.1
Never had I been able to get used to the idea that someday you would have to give up your post, as you had intimated on several occasions lately. I had always told myself that your "biggest" role was yet to come, that what could appear as an "end"2 was only a beginning in reality.
And this beginning3 has barely started that here it opens - as Marc Bosquart seemed to indicate in his article in the last issue of the paper - on a "greater whole" we are barely able to discern, a whole that I, the minuscule "Little John" have the incredible grace of grasping in substance, as a witness, without details however, when I am being told that The Asylum City IS The New Jerusalem, The City of Our Lady of All Peoples, The City of Our Lady of the Ark, The City of the Rosa Mystica, The City of the Immaculate.
It is on last July 6th, after an intense plea to St. Joseph during the morning Mass, that came to me as a flash later, while revising The Third Testament, that The Asylum City IS The New Jerusalem.
I had sensed that something was afoot when Our Lady had come in her statue of Our Lady of All Peoples, all in white, during the hymn of the Salve Regina on the previous Sunday at the end of the meeting of our small prayer group. And I had, moreover, understood that Our Lady would reign in her City as Our Lady of All Peoples, and that you, Marie-Paule, as the "servant" of The Lady would be in this New Jerusalem. Is Our Lady not called the New Sion in the Scriptures? And does Sion not designate Jerusalem?
All of that is still part of a mystery, but I am sure that you or Marc Bosquart will know how to find the key. As for "Little John", he remains as always a simple witness.
In unity of prayer, and we keep you on that list of Mass intentions we send to Nigeria. Joseph Re of Cincinnati is looking after the stipends to be sent to Fr. Raphael who distributes them to the missionaries, who each say the "Six Holy Masses", for the glory of God, for the salvation of the living, and for the deliverance of souls in purgatory.
1.The knowledge of this community had been given to me
by St. Ariel for quite some time. I had even mentioned it the year
before in a letter to Marie-Paule stating to her the possibility of
that Community of Our Lady of All Peoples of becoming an umbrella
community for the Community of St. Joseph, for example, and of
course, for others in the course of time.
2.The demise of The Army of Mary, as wished by certain clerics in Quebec, reticent to accept Marie-Paule's role.
3.Subtly, as a matter of fact, Marie-Paule's new role as "superior" of the Community of Our Lady of All Peoples is suddenly announced in the administrative chart of the paper "Le Royaume", now become the official organ of the new community.
4.A name that was given to me, as you know, when I saw myself in a dream-vision as a column of granite, on Sept. 13, 1990, while statues of the Blessed Virgin filed on the horizon, with at the head, the statue of Our Lady of All Peoples. (Cf. A17, of Section V.)
And permit me to add: Heaven knows how to thwart the plans of those who want to make the foundress and the work disappear ... which remains under the cover of the work of Our Lady of All Peoples ... and the Community of St. Joseph can it not also find protection, in God's designs, under the umbrella of The Community of Our Lady of All Peoples?
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 21, 2001 - I translated the above letter to Marie-Paule, in Quebec, in order to make The Little Pebble aware of the developments possibly on the horizon regarding The Asylum City and sent it with the following comments:
Dear Little Pebble,
Here is the translation of the letter I sent yesterday to Marie-Paule, in Lac-Etchemin, QC. This can be taken as a follow-up of what I faxed you on July 16, 2001. Could your comments take on a new dimension perhaps?
And I wish to add here, my friend, that the statue of Our Lady of the Ark came right after the statue of Our Lady of All Peoples, in the vision of September 13, 1990. Is it not significant? God bless,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 27, 2001 - Included below is an e-mail* Marie-Paule had a secretary send me in answer to my letter faxed to her on July 20, 2001:
Mr. Arseneau,
Marie-Paule asks me to follow up on your fax of July 20th. Some days have passed since its receipt because the mail that has come to her lately is rather heavy and her many obligations at the helm of the Work do not diminish.
Each time a new issue of the paper is published we receive appreciations from our readers, and this is what incited you to write also. We thank you for your thought and unity of prayer actualized by Mass stipends sent to Nigeria (for our intentions). The Eucharist is in fact our daily rendezvous. To Jesus by Mary,
Sr. Micheline Hupé
(for Marie-Paule)
* This answer from Marie-Paule would not normally be
printed, but at this juncture in time it serves the good purpose of
squashing the vicious gossip spread by the Evil One (through a
cleric, alas) - who wants to prevent any rapprochement with
Marie-Paule - that all my letters to her are thrown into the
wastebasket without any answer!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 28, 2001 - In order to keep The Little Pebble up-to-date with the recent new vistas given to me regarding The Asylum City, I send him the following:
Dear Little Pebble,
Greetings. My revising of The Asylum City Third Testament brings me, in between sessions, to deep meditations and considerations regarding the events and Heaven's instruments like you, Marie-Paule and others.
It is indeed a deep and complex picture the role of The Asylum City.
And yesterday my thoughts were specifically centered on the sequence of events. Your sending me a fax of messages last night came at an appropriate time therefore.
While thinking about the sequence of events, it came to me that according to the Apocalypse there is a "lull" of half an hour, meaning the period of the first victory of Our Lady, and a period of Re-establishment or Restoration for the Church and world.
Thus the events to come to bring about this "lull" are about to break:
The Warning to halt, or put an end, through celestial events, to humanity's folly that could bring it to Armageddon, followed the year after by The Miracle to punctuate the Warning as Heaven's intervention;
Then follows the long period of The Re-establishment which will bring us to the year 2030 - the emergence of the reign of the Antichrist, a period to end with the 3 Days of Darkness or The Chastisement.
Where do you fit in?
John-Paul II is soon to pass away, and then follows the pope with the motto, "The Glory of the Olive" to designate the great pope of The Re-establishment or Restoration.
It is during that reign that you would do your work of restoration of the monarchies of Europe together with The Great Monarch. (Elizabeth II of England is to bring that country back to the Church ... Protestantism actually having been established with Elizabeth I will end with Elizabeth II).
It is during this period of re-establishment, just around the corner, that the new pope recognizes you fully ... this is not given to John Paul II to do as his burden is too great and has to be recalled, as Heaven has already prolonged his reign which was to be an 18-year reign only, extended on account of reprieves granted humanity.
I could go on, I shall await comments as there is much to digest.
God bless,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
September 11, 2001 - While watching on television the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and I see the two planes sink, one in one tower and the second in the other, and that I see the two towers implode then collapse on themselves in an apocalyptic scene, I hear clearly interiorly, "The three countries behind this cataclysm are Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Qatar."
* * * * * * * * * * * *
October 29, 2001 - Given the enigmatic nature of what I was told in a dream-vision which came to me in the wee hours of the morning, I e-mailed the following to The Little Pebble for a word of explanation, at 14:39 of the evening of October the 30th:
Dear Little Pebble,
In a dream-vision which left me intrigued and perplexed, I heard Our Lord, Whom I saw in profile only, say the following: "All has been paid, and there is nothing more to go through." And the comprehension that accompanied the dream was that certain ones among us would not have to go through the events and that we would suddenly find ourselves in The New Era which resembled the Garden of Paradise.
Now nothing indicated the time of the passage, other than it was close at hand. We would bypass the Warning, the Miracle, the 25-year period mentioned in La Salette, the coming of the Antichrist and the Chastisement.
Anxiously awaiting your comments on this most unusual occurrence, I remain yours, in unity of prayer,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
November 1, 2001 - In the evening of this Feast of All Saints Day, I received the following fax:
Dear John/Albert,
Greetings. I think this has to do with The Golden Curtain that will transport souls into the New Era.
God bless,
Upon reception of the above fax, I send one:
Please explain "Golden Curtain". Thank you,
Shortly afterwards the following explanation came:
"The Golden Curtain" is another dimension that will be placed in each holy place, and, just before the Warning, many souls will walk through this curtain of light.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 10, 2001 - The letter below was received from a seer from Brazil, Levina da Silva Ferreira, following a mailing of a postcard regarding The Asylum City, The New Jerusalem, giving our website so people would be able to download all The Third Testament from the internet since the cost of mailing out information is too heavy for our means:
The Holy Mountain
Dearest friend,
Hail Mary!
The Holy Infant Jesus is present in his statue and He says that He blesses the people of Canada, and in a special way the seer.
Jesus says that we must continue with our prayers; that He blesses us always.
Jesus also says that He loves and blesses you all.
Levina da Silva Ferreira
Santa Montanha
Distrito de Vilas Boas
Guiricema, Mina Gerais, Brazil
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 2, 2002 - I fax the following note to The Little Pebble, in Australia:
Dear Little Pebble,
Do you know the above seer from Brazil? I was most surprised to receive a note from her. Can you confirm her authenticity? I am mailing you a brochure of her recent messages.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 3, 2002 - As usual The Little Pebble promptly replies:
Dear John/Albert,
The seer is true; she has been united with me for many years and many of her public messages speak about me.
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 4, 2002 - The letter below is sent to the seer in Brazil in answer to her letter of December 10, 2001:
Dear Levina,
Thank you so much for the message. Yes we do have a Baby Jesus in the crib and it has shed tears in 1992.
In one of my last dream-visions, Our Lord came and said, "Everything is paid. There is nothing more to go through." I understood I and certain ones would bypass all the events from the Warning to the Chastisement and would arrive to the New Era by crossing a Golden Veil, an event confirmed by The Little Pebble.
Could you please ask Our Dear Lord to whom this message applies, for I could be wrong in my understanding.
In unity of prayer,
(Photo 1) The Birch Tree where Our Lady of
Lourdes appeared on August 27, 1992. (Photo 2) The Infant
Jesus in the crib, and (Photo 3) the statue of The Rosa
Mystica, weeping in our chapel, in November and December 1992 (cf.
Section V, A16, A25).
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 25, 2002 - What follows is a portentous letter from one of Marie-Paule's collaborators about whom mention is made in Section VII and in the narratives dated September 1983 and October 2, 1983 in Section VIII:
On the feast of the Conversion of St. PaulDear Noëlla,
The Army of Mary founded since 1971 under inspiration by Heaven is a divine and Marian work that progresses in purity and truth.
If we believe in this work we have to defend it against the cunning attacks by the Evil One who wants to infiltrate it at all costs, who wishes it to disappear, for he knows very well that this work has a particular role in these times reserved for the Immaculate. This is why he does everything to sow doubt, indifference, and even obstinacy in certain members, so that this work, instead of progressing as it should, makes no headway and is dying little by little for the spirit of the work is no more.
In your diocese, we have been witnesses on several occasions of certain difficulties which impeded the work to develop according to the spirit that is its own. And again today these same difficulties are resurfacing.
In order to save this work of God and of the Immaculate, we have to intervene. It is not with a light heart that we do it, but circumstances oblige us.
This is why we believe it best, for the time being, to suspend all activities of your center of the Army of Mary in the Bathurst diocese.
We could paraphrase the high priest Caiaphas in the Gospel, "It is better to sacrifice a center rather than sacrifice the entire work" ... especially since this work is not a human work.
We do not condemn anyone. We only want to protect the providential work that Heaven is giving to the Church and humanity for its renewal.
Let us live this trial in silence and offer our sorrow to Mary Immaculate. It will be for every one and for the center a means of purification until the day when the situation will be back in place according to the real spirit of the work.
We keep you in our prayer and our daily mass, asking Immaculate Mary, Our Lady of All Peoples, to send us as soon as possible the true Holy Ghost in order that peace, justice and love reign and bring us to the true Kingdom She is preparing for us.
With my blessing,
Fr. Jean-Claude Guillemette, o.f.f.m
* What was tried and failed in 1983, i.e. the closure
of the diocesan center has now succeeded with practically the same
players in place, except for Noëlla Comeau. Again as in 1983 I
am the target, but will there be this time a reversal of opinion
"to everyone's surprise", as stated then by Fr.
Guillemette, with a re-establishment of my reputation or are the
priest's sentiments towards me now irrevocably unmendable as augured
in February, 2000, when Marie-Paule, the foundress of The Army of
Mary, had asked me to speak right away to him after our talk but he
had refused reconciliation by greeting me coldly? May we now then
expect that this closure is a prelude of the general closure of the
Marian work by the Conference of Bishops as they so wish?
Some actions have far-reaching consequences as Heaven
often allows the Evil One to apparently triumph all the while serving
God's plans despite himself. And we might ask ourselves how many will
remain loyal after the general debacle of the Marian work as wished
by the bishops? This closure is an ominous sign, indeed. And what
responsibility now weighs on the head of the person who ignited the
fuse which brought about the closure! John/Albert
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 31, 2002 - Again I feel privileged to receive another message of blessings from the Infant Jesus through Levina of Brazil:
The Holy Mountain
Dearest brother and friend,
Hail Mary!
The Holy Infant Jesus sends great blessings to the seer of Canada.
Jesus says to you, John/Albert, that He is your great treasure, and that He is always by your side and that He will give grace, strength and courage to all seers.
Jesus says that He loves and blesses you.
Dear friend, I went through surgery and almost died after the operation. Jesus is taking care of my health now. I ask you and your community to pray for me, my family and for the Community of The Holy Mountain.
United in Jesus, Mary and Joseph's Hearts, your sister,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 3, 2002 - A very busy day indeed to bring about the following occurrence:
Dear Little Pebble,
A most unusual occurrence took place at the very beginning of our hour of prayer at 2 p.m. this afternoon. No sooner had we started, with those attending barely making it for the one hour gathering, that Our Lady came and stood very serious in front of the altar in our little basement chapel, with her head bowed down, and wearing a pale green tunic and a light brown veil.
I could only see the upper part of the body, and I did not recognize the title She appeared under, but only later on when I glanced at a booklet of Our Lady of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart.
The understanding that flooded my mind as to why She had come, was that Heaven relied heavily on this hour of prayer, and that everyone had to be on time, as this hour was going to be for our region the most important, for my feeling since Friday the 1st that something was afoot materialized with the reception of a letter (cf. above) from a priest-collaborator of Marie-Paule to Noella Comeau, the person in charge of the center of The Army of Mary in our diocese who now comes to our hour of prayer since her center is officially closed.
I had been advised by Heaven beforehand that Noella would one day serve as a connection between our Community of Saint Joseph and the Army of Mary of The Community of Our Lady of All Peoples. But is this unity soon to come about as there are so many internal enemies at work within Marie-Paule's Marian movement? Enemies who view me as a target and who mislead Marie-Paule, making her hesitate to come to The Asylum City. Something she has to do very soon, I feel, with a handful of people.
I thought I would let you know of this apparition of Our Lady under the title of Our Lady of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart. The Hungarian seeress, Elizabeth Kindelman, passed away in 1985. So, as you see, things are about to move faster from now on. I thus would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 4, 2002 - In the evening I receive by fax confirmation of yesterday's manifestation:
Dear John/Albert,
Greeting, the vision is true.
The woman of The Army of Mary, Noëlla Comeau, is a link (cf. above), and before the Great Warning a unity will be achieved, and Marie-Paule will understand God's plan.
Wishing God's blessing,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 13, 2002 - Another letter follows from Brazil in a short span:
The Holy Mountain
Dearest John/Albert,
Hail Mary!
The Holy Infant Jesus is present here now, and sends this letter to you.
Jesus sends great blessings to you and to all your people, and He says He is going to grant you the graces you ask in all your petitions.
Dearest brother in Christ, Jesus is giving me a grace: I'm already working for Him again, but I cannot work as hard as I would like and as I usually did before.
Jesus blesses the people of Canada and He blesses and loves you.
I have already sent a letter to The Little Pebble.
Your sister in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 14, 2002 - In answer to an inquiry by The Little Pebble as to whether Levina of Brazil had mentioned anything about him since he had not heard from her in a good while, I write:
Dear Little Pebble,
I did mention you to Levina, but so far she has not made any reference to you. She perhaps prefers you contact her directly: she did give me her phone number ... 99 75 28 36.
What do you think of what she says?
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 21, 2002 - As there was no answer forthcoming in reference to my inquiry above, I again write to The Little Pebble:
Dear Little Pebble,
So far I have not heard from you regarding the above question. You know I value your comments, yet I do not wish to turn you in a question-and-answer box, but given the great importance of The Asylum City I need all the guidance possible.
In the meantime I received through a visionary group on the internet, to which I subscribe, the message from Our Blessed Mother to Nazreen Jouni of Ontario, California, given last October 26, 2001, which I am now faxing to you. The message seems to be authentic, does it not?
In unity of prayer,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 22, 2002 - In answer to my question regarding the message given to Nazreen Jouni, The Little Pebble faxed the following:
Dear John/Albert,
I do not see any problem with this message. Are you in contact with him?
God bless,
The Little Pebble
In answer to The Little Pebble's question, I hasten to reply:
Dear Little Pebble,
No, I am not yet in direct contact with Nazreen Jouni. I only received his message through the visionary group to which he belongs. I was invited lately to join the group, and this message from Nazreen was the first to come through the e-mail. If you refer above the message I sent you, you will see the e-mail number.
Is it a good thing to belong to such a group? I did hesitate at first as I shy away from all psychics, clairvoyants, newagers, charismatics imbued with the old heresy of pentecostalism* who make wide use of the internet with subjective messages which have now invaded the quasi totality of catholic bookstores, librairies and publishing houses around the planet, nay, who have invaded the Church itself. You see why I rely on your judgment!
In unity of prayer,
*Cf. "Pentecostalism, Evaluating a
Phenomenon", by John A. Hardon, s.j., Editions
Saint-Raphaël, 31 W King St., Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1N5, Canada.
Pentecostalism an Old Heresy?
In the evening comes the following reply from The Little Pebble:
Dear John/Albert,
As you know we formed one of the seers groups called Alliance of Truth with several seers and Fr. Broussard. So please do join as interaction between souls is good. I shall wait to see what response you get.
God bless,
Earlier the same day I had received another fax:
Dear John/Albert,
Greetings. I see no problem with the message from Levina. She wrote to me too and reassumed me of our unity.
I wish God's blessings to you,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 23, 2002 - A fax to The Little Pebble in Nowra, Australia:
Dear William,
A very unusual mystical experience came over me Tuesday, February 19, 2002. I entered the church alone, at 5:45 a.m., walked up to the communion rail, genuflected, knelt down and greeted Our Lord in the tabernacle. Since it was lent, I wanted to postpone my morning prayers and make the Stations of the Cross Rosary for the poor souls first.
That morning I invited Jesus to come into my soul and make the Stations of the Cross along with God the Father, God the Holy Ghost, the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and all the angels and saints.
Immediately at the first station I became overwhelmed with the Divine Presence of Jesus especially along with an extraordinary presence of Mary, Joseph, the angels and saints. This mystical phenomenon continued with each station. I am so grateful to God even as I write. I then began my usual morning prayers in the Divine Will for the next forty-five minutes, followed by the rosary and Holy Mass.
Upon receiving Holy Communion I did not want to talk to Jesus this time. I asked Him to talk to me. I could actually hear Him speak interiorly. He began to express his love for me along with very consoling comments for the next fifteen minutes.
One thing He told me that impressed me was that in three months He would take me through the Golden Curtain, raptured.
William, could you please comment on this experience?
In Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 24, 2002 - Things are developing rapidly as the reader will see, all in cadence with the events unfolding in the world. Momentous events are indeed very close, even at our doorsteps and Heaven has to increase the number of instruments in accordance with the emergency. Thus the following to The Little Pebble:
Dear Little Pebble,
Today I encouraged Joseph Re of Cincinnati to put on paper the account of an experience he had on February 19, 2002 and send it to you. This he did I gather, but could you comment on the matter as this parallels what Our Lord told me last October the 30th: "All is paid. There is nothing more to go through" with the understanding that those raptured would not have to go through the events, bypassing everything from the Warning right through to the New Era.
In the evening of November 1, 2001 you had faxed me the explanation regarding the Golden Curtain that would be placed in each holy place to allow certain people to go through.
With all this in mind, I must say now that I was shown this curtain about two years ago by St. Joseph without explanation precise enough that I could relate it to the rapture. The curtain was a type of lath curtain, the vertical laths moving lightly in some breeze with yellow light passing in between laths. All one needed to do was to separate the laths and go through to the other side.
Now Joseph Re received some precision about the approximate time of the rapture on February 19, 2002 (see below). As I was writing the present note, your fax to Joseph Re, sent through me, had just come in: an answer to what is now taking place at an incredible speed.
Thank you so much for your diligence, William. What would we do without you indeed!
Yes, I shall hasten to fax everything to Joseph Re. Incidentally he has a new fax number: (513) 922-3686.
A bit of news ... Lita did confirm that Paul of Poland had gone to visit Andrew Wingate in Minnesota, but he had come back quite disappointed as he had found him going farther off track. In fact I did speak with Andrew last night and he does seem so out of it. Only Heaven can get through to him at this time.
As always,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 25, 2002, (1) - In response to my fax of yesterday's:
Dear John/Albert,
Greetings. Yes, all has been paid for those entering the Golden Curtain.
The Rapture is just before the Great Warning. Events are close at hand.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
P.S. Thank you for sending Joseph Re the faxes.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
February 25, 2002, (2) - In response to the locutions received by Joseph Re of Cincinnati and highlighted below (cf. March 8, 2002), The Little Pebble of Australia sends a series of faxes through me: a first on February 25th, a second on March 4th, and a third on March 13th:
Dear Joseph Re, (1)
Peace be with you my brother. What you experienced was from Jesus. He came to you in a special way and what He told you was correct as the Rapture is very near.
You will experience many more of such closeness to God.
Wishing God's blessings to you,
The Little Pebble
Dear Joseph Re, (2)
Blessings be to you. The locutions you are having are true. Jesus and Mary are speaking to you.
As I mentioned to you, this would continue as God is drawing very close to you for the Time of Times is here, and events are close at hand.
Wishing God's blessings to you,
The Little Pebble
Dear Joseph Re, (3)
This is correct; however the timing is not as it seems for there are many plans being new, made between myself and other people in Europe.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 2, 2002 - Again another fax to The Little Pebble:
Dear William,
On February 20, 2002, I asked Our Lord, in the silence of prayer, if my wife, Margaret, could go with me through the Golden Curtain.
He answered within the interior of my soul, "She will be taken with you." This confirmed a personal conviction I had concerning her.
The next day or so, February 21 or 22, I spoke to my wife concerning my mystical experience of February 19, including the answer to my question to Our Lord, that she would come with me. Spontaneously she replied, "I don't want to leave my children. I guess now I'll become a pillar of salt."
After reflecting on her impulsive remark she settled down and said no more. I knew then that it was too much for her to comprehend, considering all my faults, sins, etc., so I dropped the issue.
A week later, on February 28, at 10:50 a.m. in the silence of my room and meditating in front of my Necedah crucifix, the statue of The Sacred Heart, Our Lady of The Rosa Mystica and St. Joseph, I became concerned about my wife's dilemma and I asked The Blessed Trinity the following question, "Would it be possible for my children to come with me through the Golden Curtain?"
Immediately an interior voice replied, "Joseph, Joseph, you are nothing; remember the good thief. Do not doubt my mercy. Yes, they will come through at a later time." Then I asked about their spouses.
The reply was, "Some."
Again, on March 1, after Mass during the exposition of The Blessed Sacrament I inquired about my friends in The Divine Will prayer group and interiorly I heard, "You were all faithful in praying together so I, in turn, will bring you through the Golden Curtain together with my daughter, Ann."
I again begged Jesus not to let Satan interfere when He talked to me.
Immediately I heard the words, "Joseph, what I have said, I have said!"
The following morning, March 2, at 2:20 a.m., I asked Jesus if Bob would come with us. The reply was, "I would never forget my friend."
William, would you please comment again on these interior conversations with Jesus, as John/Albert has instructed me, once again, to write them down and send them to you.
Thanking you and waiting your reply, I am in Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 4, 2002 - Answer to the above:
Dear Joseph Re,
Blessing be to you.
The locutions you are having are true, Jesus and Mary are speaking to you.
As I mentioned to you this would continue as God is drawing very close to you for the Time of Times is here and events are close at hand.
Wishing God's blessing to you,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 7, 2002 - Yet another fax:
Dear William,
This morning, March 7, 2002, I was awakened by a strange creaking noise at 4:58 a.m. Immediately I heard a clear distinct voice say, "I want to talk to you." And it was made known to me He wanted me in church.
I got up, dressed, prepared myself and left the house at 5:30 a.m., arrived at the church at 6:00 a.m.; walked up to the communion rail, genuflected and greeted Our Lord in The Blessed Sacrament.
After asking all the saints and angels, St. Joseph and Mother Mary to join me, I asked Jesus to make the Stations in me as I had already fused my will into his in my morning offering, when I had gotten up this morning, assuring me of Divine Acts.
I was anxious to begin, remembering my first experience. However, the presence of my Heavenly Visitors was not felt this time.
As I continued my Stations of the Cross Rosary, things were made known to me: first, the unknown noise that woke me this morning was an old big door opening; second, I was to write my mystical experiences to each of my 12 children and put the account into a sealed envelope; third, He would talk to me during Holy Communion. After this, I began the rest of my morning prayers, the rosary and Holy Mass.
During Holy Communion, He waited a while before He spoke, so I started my thanksgiving prayers of Luisa Piccarreta. A little while later, He gave me two short messages: "Marie-Paule will join John/Albert sooner than he can imagine and it is time for The Little Pebble to do what I had told him through John/Albert, i.e. take Bettina to Germany, etc., and that he is to join the Great Monarch. He need not worry, as I will prepare the way and guide him all the way."
Please confirm this message.
Thanking you again, William, I am yours in Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 8, 2002 - In order not to give full account of all the mystical experiences granted Joseph Re of Cincinnati concerning the Rapture, etc., that is up to him to do, I only give here the precisions that concern us the most given by Our Lord during His conversations with Joseph Re from February 19, 2002 to March 7, 2002:
In short, Joseph Re receives:
on February 19th, the precision that Our Lord would make him go through the Golden Curtain, during the Rapture, in three months (a message confirmed by The Little Pebble who affirmed that the Rapture was in fact very close);
- on February 20th, the assurance that his wife Margaret would also be raptured at the same time as him;
- on February 28th, that his children would go through but later, while only some of the spouses would;
- on March 1st, that all of his prayer group* would cross;
- on March 2nd, that Bob, a far away member, would not be forgotten;
- on March 7th, that "Marie-Paule will join John/Albert sooner than he can imagine, and it is time for The Little Pebble to do what I had told him through John/Albert, i.e., take Bettina back to Germany, etc., and that he is to join the Great Monarch. He need not worry as I will prepare the way and guide him all the way."
* What I also understood regarding our prayer group
during the dream-vision of October 29, 2001. No precision was then
given to me regarding my brother and my sisters and their spouses.
They are however consecrated, and I leave everything to God's Mercy.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
PROLOGUE ... to mysteries (cf. EPILOGUE, June 8, 2005, in Section X.)
March 13, 2002 - A letter of introduction:
Dear Friend,
Please read the enclosed material carefully ... in reference to the time of the Warning and the time of the Rapture!
The Warning, as you will see, has not taken place yet as is contended in some circles. What took place on September 11, 2001, was a warning but not The Warning.
Read carefully the message below given to John/Albert on October 29, 2001, which speaks of the Warning as a coming event and not as a past event.
This note together with the enclosed material is being sent to a number of people.
Joseph Re
Faithful & True of The Midwest
1022 Neeb Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45233__________________________________
October 29, 2001 - Given the enigmatic nature of what I was told in a dream-vision which came to me in the wee hours of the morning, I e-mailed the following to The Little Pebble for a word of explanation, at 14:39 of the evening of October the 30th:Dear Little Pebble,
In a dream-vision which left me intrigued and perplexed, I heard Our Lord, Whom I saw in profile only, say the following: "All has been paid, and there is nothing more to go through." And the comprehension that accompanied the dream was that certain ones among us would not have to go through the events and that we would suddenly find ourselves in The New Era which resembled the Garden of Paradise
Now nothing indicated the time of the passage, other that it was close at hand. We would bypass the Warning, the Miracle, the 25-year period mentioned in La Salette, the coming of the Antichrist and the Chastisement.
Anxiously awaiting your comments on this most unusual occurrence, I remain yours, in unity of prayer.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
November 1, 2001 - In the evening of this Feast of All Saints Day, I received the following fax:
Dear John/Albert,
Greetings. I think this has to do with the Golden Curtain that will transport souls into the New Era.
God bless,
Upon reception of the above fax, I send one:
Please explain "Golden Curtain."
Thank you.
Shortly afterwards the following explanation came:
"The Golden Curtain" is another dimension that will be placed in each holy place, and, just before the Warning, many souls will walk through this curtain of light.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 16, 2002 - After much deliberation I fax the following to The Little Pebble:
Dear Little Pebble,
I think I have waited enough to divulge this to you ... I cannot explain why I have been feeling a very localized wound in my right side, and the pain seems to be increasing with the passing days.
Dare I ask you what it all means?
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 22, 2002 - The answer I receive to my fax of March 16, above, is brief but to the point in true style when The Little Pebble wishes to convey a definite understanding:
Dear John/Albert,
You are sharing with Our Lord's Pain. Be at peace.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
March 29, 2002 - New information faxed to The Little Pebble of Australia to corroborate messages given on August 25, 1993 and April 12, 2000:
Dear Little Pebble,
First, in regard to Glenn Talaue's report, I would like to refer you to the message my guardian angel, the Archangel St. Ariel, gave me in a dream-vision on March 7, 1998, and who asked me to give you my moral support. Glenn and others of The Alliance of Truth should know this and reconsider.
Now, in the process of going through the heavy backlog of material to update The Third Testament on The Asylum City, I came across much material pertaining to the "missing" statue of The Weeping Madonna of Canada. And since Florence Godin, now living among us, in The Asylum City, is no longer apprehensive of being indiscreet anymore, as she puts it, she thus feels she can talk freely and fill the blanks in the long saga of the communities of Saint John and Salisbury which kept me at bay, as you know, in the latter years of their existence by people who later turned against you even.
Some of the blanks she agreed to fill concern the statue of The Weeping Madonna. Thus I was informed on how it was retrieved, and by whom, after the burning of the Mother House; who kept it "secretly" in their home for quite some time before it would end up with Gail Stephen's brother, Fr. Peter, first in Newcastle and then in Fredericton, keeping it in a cottage he had built with the inheritance his mother had left him.
It is through happenstance that Gail made a slip which was picked up by Florence through Dorothy Peters, of Saint John, who divulged the saga of The Weeping Madonna, that she had kept at her place till her husband Frank, fearing being accused of theft, gave it to Fr. Peter, through Gail. Yes, the statue is in fairly good shape, nothing a good painter could not repair, as it was shown to Jeannine Degrechie of our community in a dream-vision, on August 25, 1993!
Now the question arises as to why that statue was kept in secret, as everyone knew Our Lady had instructed Joseph Francis I was to become the custodian of every statue or pictures that wept, in the event something would happen to him. Fr. Bélanger, his director, Gail, Rolande Picard of Quebec City, and many others knew of this.
I did get some, but where are: the crucifix taken by Serge Vienneau from his aunt Marie Degrechie who, in good faith, gave it to him; the statue of Our Lady of the Ark you gave to Joseph Francis; the statue of The Rosa Mystica; the other weeping pictures which did not burn, etc??? Paul Ori at the Cana Farm has the picture of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and where is now the basketful of pictures kept by Gail?
Is this why I am being asked by Our Lord through Joseph Re of Cincinnati to stay behind for a while after the rapture of the others in May? To retrieve to my chapel-house all these objects, because the house could also be translated to the New Era? An important question, is it not?
Yours always in unity,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 1, 2002 - A fax to Lac-Etchemin, QC, Canada:
Dear Marie-Paule,
Rumors are circulating that the September 11 World Trade Center disaster was the Garabandal Warning.
The article I am faxing you, "The Warning of Garabandal," is taken from a three-page circular issued by Fr. M. Laffineur who served on the investigating committee for the Garabandal apparitions.
I heard him speak concerning this issue many years ago here in Ohio and I can assure you the World Trade Center disaster was not the Warning.
I sponsored many talks for blind Joey here, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and gave many slide shows on Garabandal.
Hope this information will help you concerning the nature of the true Warning.
In Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
P.S. Blind Joey Lomangino was told by Padre Pio that Garabandal was true and he should visit there. He is to be cured on the day of the Miracle.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 3, 2002, (1) - A fax to Nowra, NSW, Australia:
Dear William,
The "guardian of Mary" has stuck with you come hell or high water. I think it would be good for you to review the warnings given through him concerning the lethal attacks Satan has been making on you through the years.
John/Albert will never leave you. Why don't you, yourself, ask the Blessed Mother concerning your best friend, if you should confide more in his messages, etc., concerning your all-important mission mainly the honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls. Really William, I think, as you say, time has run out. Take a week and visit John/Albert and I'm certain the unity of seers that Heaven has predicted through you will finally come to fruition.
Yours in Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 3, 2002, (2) - In response:
Dear Joseph Re,
That is fine, but the timing. We will see as many events must first occur.
Tell John/Albert to send you the messages from France.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 3, 2002, (3) - A fax to Nowra, NSW, Australia:
Dear Little Pebble,
After reading the long message you faxed in this morning, a message entitled "Confidence 655, Wednesday, October 3, 2001 - The Signs Will Lead You" and received by a French seer and sent immediately following the one-line message given to Joseph Re on April 1, 2002, I could not help but feel that the reason of the one-liner by Our Lord, "I will not be outdone in generosity ... The Rapture!" repeated at intervals was at last made explicit, i.e. that the message given to Joseph Re was a warning, and a dire one at that!
The Lord wants to remind us that He indeed gave a very UNIQUE and SERIOUS message when He spoke about the Rapture, although given to two unknown instruments, first in October, 2001, in Canada, and then in February, March and April, 2002, in the United States, a subject that not too many seem to accept and is in fact rejected in some quarters as unbelievable!
There is not even the mention of the word "Rapture" in many alleged true messages abounding around the planet these days! No wonder, therefore, Our Lord is sad and angry! It makes one wonder whether these long messages are really complete as there is quite a dimension missing ... THE RAPTURE!
What is the good of expounding on events while leaving out THE EVENT that speaks more loudly in itself than all the other events combined, because it speaks about the great attribute of God, namely His generosity, as He Himself wants to emphasize in an outcry, an act of generosity, charity, love given freely to a chosen few, as in the time of Noah, all this given through the maternal intercession of Our Blessed Mother, the Queen of the Universe, rewarding special children! Oh, what do we owe Her! And all this is biblical, that a handful, mystery of mysteries, would cross over to The New Era without dying and would become the group of the Immortals, i.e. the group that will not know death. Something Our Lord is now revealing to the small ones!
*Cf. The dream-vision received on September 13, 1990,
"You are John,
the guardian of the Virgin Mary," Section V,
on The Asylum City.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 6, 2002, (1) - Again, a fax is forwarded to Australia:
Dear William,
After pondering the depth of the mission entrusted to you and your public letter to Jesus,* it is no wonder Heaven has given warnings through John/Albert concerning the lethal attacks Satan has been making on you throughout the years.
John/Albert is a true friend and he will never leave you. On page 80 in the book I gave you, "The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will," Our lady teaches, "Alone a soul cannot do true good, but always in two's can they do the greatest work ... "
You mentioned to me in one of your recent letters that time has run out: Heaven did not tell John/Albert to help you morally for nothing. All he can do is relate the messages to you. However, there is much, much more involved in these messages as you would learn.
Since John/Albert is to be raptured soon, I mentioned to him that it is crucial for you to hear him out, shut out the world and visit with him for one week.
He agreed and responded immediately, "He and I could visit daily the Birch Tree on the Sacred Spot, the future New Jerusalem, for enlightenment, guidance and direction concerning our missions."
He then related a past apparition: a mighty Angel picked up a huge urn filled with liquid silver and poured it at the foot of the tree, obviously signifying the powerful precious graces flowing from the Sacred Spot.
All your brother can do is invite you and I'm certain if you ask Our Lady for a sign, She will respond immediately concerning this meeting, inaugurating "the unity of seers" given to you by Jesus finally coming to fruition. No small thing.
You have a very special friend in the "guardian of Mary".
Praying for you as always, in Jesus and Mary,
Joseph Re
* Letter to Our Lord from The Little PebbleOctober 26, 2001
My Lord, I humbly make my lament to Thee Who is all knowing and loving!
Lord, in recent months I have heard about some souls who were once strongly united to me. They separated from me, even condemning me, and these very souls have the ear of the Pope, they receive support from the Church authorities, yet they have been unjust and unfaithful to Your Word where You, Yourself, said to them, "If any man speaks against My Prophet, The Little Pebble, he will lose many graces - and some will lose even their missions."
Lord, they thrive, they grow, they receive acclaim from various quarters of the Church - yet I, Your humble and obedient servant who has been promised so much from Heaven, receive ridicule and scorn - firstly from those who were once working together with me, but also, and mostly, from the Church authorities. Whenever a glimpse of a door is opened, it closes just as quickly. In all cases I have loved all of these souls and helped them much, even establishing their missions through my tireless sacrifices - yet I have been promised by Heaven, since 1984, that I would receive help from the Church.
I was told, through countless seers, the Pope would call me to Rome, and will approve me. Yet, many of those now apart from me have received their call from Rome, the Pope, and others. Where then is right and wrong?
Who has given more than me in love and sacrifices? Who has suffered more than me - and I still do? Who had to say "yes" to so many demands made to me from Yourself? And be assured, I would do it again.
Who has given up his wife and children to do God's Will, only to be disowned, disgraced and humiliated around the world - all for the sake of doing God's Will?
Who has given up his life's work, his livelihood? Who has been asked to live a life contrary to the overall teaching of Christ's Church, to be calumniated against by the Church, by his family, his friends, his fellow seers?
Who has been betrayed, like me, by priests, nuns - by the closest of family and friends, and even after being betrayed I still give my helping hand, forgiveness and love? Even now I hold out my hands to so many who have wronged me, who have denied me, who have stolen from me.
I ask this, Lord, as my heart is truly broken to see no one coming to my aid. Yet all I have done I have done for you, and only you. I did not seek glory, power or wealth, only a small recognition from the Church that I have loved; that I have sacrificed all for.
So why, my Lord, do so many who have betrayed the truth, gain victory over me? I appeal to God in deep sorrow, and once again look to You. I know I have received much - especially Graces - but I only seek the fulfillment of Your Promise so that those who have persecuted me, unjustly, will see what I have done, I have done for You.
I am so disappointed, Lord, but I know that no servant is greater than the Master.
I remain always your obedient servant.
William Kamm
The Little Pebble_________________________________
N.B. A message of encouragement from Jesus to The Little Pebble on April 15, 1984:
"I promise you, my child, that all Marian places of the earth will be united because, unless my children unite, the victory cannot be my Mother's for this is the key of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and what a triumph that will be, my children, what a triumph!"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 6, 2002, (2) - In response:
Dear Joseph Re,
Blessings to you.
Much is in the making now but we must wait. I will let you know when.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
April 27, 2002 - In answer to messages of April 11th, and April 12th and sent to William Kamm, The Little Pebble, the latter disproves, evidently in light of his letter of Oct. 26, 2001:
Dear Joseph Re,
Sorry I could not answer earlier. I have been away.
The thoughts are kind but not correct.
God bless,
The Little Pebble
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 22, 2002 - Within the framework of exchanges with Marie-Paule, foundress of The Army of Mary, I send her the following e-mail:
Dear Marie-Paule,
See below two photos published in "The Voice of Padre Pio" in the October-December 1984 issue.
Since the Padre has just been canonized, I thought it appropriate to send you these photos that maybe you have not received. I came upon that issue while having the housework done. A nice souvenir, is it not!
Albert Arseneau (John/Albert)
Canadian pilgrims belonging to "The Army of Mary", who came on June 11, 1984, to visit Padre Pio's place. With them, 6 priests who concelebrated in our Sanctuary. On the photos: above, the pilgrims dressed in white hear Mass: below, all the group in front of Padre Pio's monument.
Another photo taken during the pilgrimage: that of Marie-Paule, the foundress of The Army of Mary, singing a series of hymns, accompanied at the organ by Br. Roland Marcoux, at the Convent of San Giovanni Rotondo. Sitting on the left: Sr Lise Giguère, Marie-Paule's sister.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 23, 2002 - A nice response follows:
Greetings Mr. Arseneau,
Mother Paule-Marie thanks you to have her recall this pilgrimage of June 1984 at San Giovanni Rotondo since Padre Pio has just been canonized. Quite good souvenirs indeed!
We followed the televised celebration last Sunday sharing the joy of the thousands of faithfuls assembled on Saint Peter's Square. Padre Pio is a great figure of our time. May he intercede with God for humanity, he whom Pope John Paul II has called "the saint of mercy" since he spent the major part of his life in the confessional.
United in prayer and thanksgiving,
by Sister Micheline
for Mother Paule-Marie
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 4, 2002 - Around 1:30 p.m. I receive a phone call from Christiane of France living in Paris. She tells me that Our Lord had come to tell her to immediately start praying to ask that I be protected against what was coming "above me", with no precision on the nature of the thing. Now when she called I had to tell her I would not be able to talk long as the sky was laden with heavy black clouds and that thunder which had rumbled since early morning was increasing in intensity, flashes of lightning occurring ever closer, that it was thus becoming dangerous to remain on line, lightning liable to strike at any moment.
This being said, I hung up and went to continue watching the meteorology bulletin which showed in a red band at the bottom of the screen a severe thunderstorm alert with the risk of something unusual for our region, the possibility of a tornado. I closed the television and sat while in fact increased the intensity of the storm.
Now around 4:00 p.m. I suddenly hear like the sound of a train passing above the house or nearby. I go out on the back porch facing the lower part of the grounds leading to the shore and I see the trees twisting to the point of breaking and the sea in fury under a tornado wind. Right away I beseech St. Uriel, the protector of The Asylum City, to intervene: and immediately everything calmed down. Afterwards I had to go and pick up a pile of branches which had been as cut off and thrown in my driveway and along the road in front of the house. It looked as if someone had come and trimmed the trees.
So I had closely escaped while, at many other spots on the path of the storm, much damage had taken place. Now the fact I had been warned by Heaven meant that without its protection there would have been damage as produced elsewhere: fallen trees, torn roofs, etc.
This episode brought to mind the one of August 19, 1991 when the chapel-house and the grounds came in the path of the major hurricane "Bob" which had made a sudden turn, contrary to all weather forecast, at the level of our region, to come and leave a trail of fallen trees on the grounds, a trail which grazed the house, and Heaven had intervened by a grand warning in the sky of the coming danger (cf. A3 of Section V).
Heaven sees to the protection of The Asylum City!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
July 11, 2002 - Faxed to John/Albert ...
Blessed Mother, "Joseph, you must continue working on your fault-vice of ego."
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 8, 2002 - ...
Dear Marie-Paule,
What does it all really mean?
I open by chance Appendix I to "Life of Love", at page 75 and here I fall on the real photo of what I saw on August 27, 1992, during Our Lady Of Lourdes' coming at the White Birch in The Asylum City.
At the time I could but resign myself to a stylized sketch that a woman consented to make for me to reproduce what I had seen.
And here on this December 8, 2002, on opening the Appendix, I fall on page 75 on the photo we see above on the left and which we can compare with the one taken, at the time, of the surroundings of the tree where Our Lady came.
Needless to say that I remained stunned as all the others with me ... they could not get over it. Now there is no happenstance with Heaven. So should we ask ourselves if things will now open on a mystery.
Best regards,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 15, 2002 - In answer to the above letter of December 8, sent with the best regards...
Dear Miss Comeau, dear friends,
Thank you all for your kind wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Having taken notice of the letter signed "John/Albert", accompanied by two photographs of which one is taken from Appendix One of "Life of Love", we want to point out to you that the two woods* are not the same.
In turn we wish you also fine and holy feast days.
By Sr. France
*It goes without saying that it is evident that those
are not the same woods. So there is not the issue. What one must see
is the rapport that Heaven wants us to understand ... following the
events which will see the change of the site of The City of the
Immaculate, which was to be established in Lac-Etchemin, to The
Asylum City where Our Lady came to mark the center after the events
sketched on December 21, 2002 and disclosed on the 13th 18th and 23rd
of the same month.
What revelations to cut off one's breath and which
will require reparation for the Church and the world. If not, what
will become of those responsible, for Heaven will not remain silent
anymore since It has permitted that everything be disclosed. God the
Father will not be able to temporize. And, alas, the tone of the
response does not give much hope ... This note was not addressed to
the undersigned but to a person, simple cosigner of a card of wishes
for the year of the rosary in which was inserted the letter of
December 8, 2002.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 21, 2002 - A struggle whose extent I have difficulty grasping, to such a degree the Evil One has been manoeuvring secretly and ambivalently for now close to 33 years ...
I pointed out that my entry in the Army of Mary officially dated October 10, 1976, when it could have dated from August, 1971, but had to be deferred due to the mystery of the long struggle which was about to be "engaged" and continue without relent at the least pretext (cf. for example, among many, the letter of December the 8th and the response sent to Noëlla Comeau).
But Heaven is watching, as it is said in the Holy Scriptures, so "that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed" ... in the times of the end. Now we are in these times, and lo, here are these secret thoughts and machinations brought out to light in the most unexpected way, which leads to believe an outcome is close at hand.
As I have said above, it had never been granted that I could grasp up to now these secrets thoughts and manoeuvres, well lo, it is the person affected the most in this hidden combat who finally reveals everything, despite herself so to say, and the revelations I shall not be permitted by Heaven to discover until this very day by reading "The Combats of the Last Hour" in booklet #6 of the series of 15 that will publish the person affected, Marie-Paule, booklets however published many years ago.
And when I come upon the last line in bold letters of chapter 11 of booklet #6, "And yet this statue does not weep", everything becomes finally clear, the Evil One fears the most Mary's tears. "Oh! Mary's tears!"* will exclaim Pius XII in 1954, tears that snatch away from him more souls than an expression on the face ... the first 3 booklets are nevertheless favorable ... thus ambivalence!
So Marie-Paule allowed herself to be caught by the whisperings of the Evil One, the "little Michael", the same he made to Eve, in the beginning in the Garden of Eden, and which he comes again to make to another "Eve", at the end. Yet, Marie-Paule had opened the doors to "The One Who weeps", in all appearance, (cf. Section VIII).
So orders and counter-orders, with Heaven's permission Who, however, does not yield all the place to the Evil One, who despite himself works towards his greatest humiliation and defeat.
It is thus necessary, in order to fully understand these "combats of the least hour", to discern who has really set everything in motion. If not we risk to be also lulled by the whisperings of the serpent.
Is it not the antique serpent of the Garden of Eden which slips in again (cf. April, 1980, Section VIII) to destroy God's work? And no sooner is the tree of The Army of Mary planted that he comes to grip the trunk and dissimulate its head near the foundress and makes itself be accepted under the disguise of the "little Michael" - despite being rebuffed at first - through the infatuation of a false obedience to a high ecclesiastical dignitary who reads nothing about the movement, obedience alas encouraged by a certain dazzled entourage which puts Marie-Paule on a pedestal at every occasion.
So after having accepted the "little Michael", with his sword he will cruelly push his victim in the back with no relent, giving her "orders and counter-orders" to better hide himself, make the movement tread and distract it from its original goal assigned by God.
What martyrdom, it must be said, will Marie-Paule not endure, whom he
makes do and undo, accept and refuse! But the real St. Michael always
remains on site to see to the eventual awakening of the victim, now
after close to 33 years ... Then will cease the combats to destroy a
work for the Church and the world, and finally "The City of the
Immaculate" will be able to be established but elsewhere (cf.
December 8th, above) and under a new name, "The Asylum City ...
The New Jerusalem."
*Cf. Section V.
Photo at left taken by Joseph Francis, guardian of The Weeping Madonna of Canada, and reproduced in "Mary, Why Do You Cry?", Fr. Albert Hebert, S.M., P.O. Box 309, Paulina, LA 70763. Photo at right reproduced in booklet #6, "The Combats of the Last Hour", Marie-Paule, 1273, 22e Rue, Quebec, QC, G1J 1T1.
Yes, the Evil One fears the most Mary's tears (cf. photo on the left that snatch away from him more souls than an expression with no tears and without the sentiment of a presence (cf. photo on the right as it is awkwardly attempted to be hidden by a disguise around the neck. The Evil One was fooled by his own trick. This statue also wept!!). And this is what the Evil One incited his victim, the "Eve" of The Army of Mary to do, push away The One Who Weeps and accept the "other one", that does not "apparently" weep to better overthrow a work he fears.
What deceit to even give the order to disfigure a miraculous statue that would have become a rival to the "Eve" that an entourage placed on a pedestal! And yet everything could be put back in place if the "Eve" of the Army of Mary could say in full humility, "I WAS DECEIVED!", like the Eve in the Garden of Eden.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 7, 2003 - Awakened at 2:00 A.M. and unable to go back to sleep, I felt compelled to go and rummage in a small box near a dresser in my room where I know there are still samples of letter exchanged throughout the years with Marie-Paule, the foundress of The Army of Mary.
So I get up and take the little box on my lap, finding rightly so many a letter exchanged with Marie-Paule especially during the 90's, and here at the bottom I fall upon a reproduction of an image of Saint John, and I am struck by the similarity of gaze with my photo, in the beginning of Section VIII, and below.
I am somewhat surprised, and right away I go down to where I work in order to clarify further, and I come upon A17 of Section V, and two significant paragraphs, written in 1993 and which echo directly what is asked by Heaven in a message given to Joseph Re of Cincinnati, Ohio, on last January 5th, collaboration between "M", Marie-Paule, and "A", Albert, the John of the dream-vision of September 13, 1990 (A17), also symbolized as Saint John by "A", (from the latin aquila, eagle).
Why the similarity in gaze and features? Saint John
had come to see me with his brother Saint James when I was but a
child (cf. Section VII).
For full comprehension see Section V.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 17, 2003 - A letter of intimidation ... that arrives at a very bad moment as Heaven is at the very verge of entering upon the scene. Follow well the impending developments. Heaven will deliver its movement from the "little Michael's" hold*! The Evil One senses that his time in the bosom of the movement is soon to end, wherefore a last tentative to tighten his grip!
January 17, 2003
M. John/Albert Arseneau
1125 Route 134
Petit Rocher Sud NB
E8J 1C4
We hereby ask you to stop sending letters we have been receiving for years. We have asked you, on different occasions, to cease these dispatches of letters here as well as elsewhere. These letters do not aim to enlighten, but quite on the contrary to sow, through calumnies, things which are based only on fiction.
If you do not comply with our request, we shall be in the obligation to take certain necessary dispositions, for example A FORMAL NOTICE. We are sending you a very polite letter which is a first warning, which we wish, will be the last, if not we shall be obliged to proceed as mentioned above, including sworn declarations, if necessary.
André Bélanger
Oath Commissioner
155 Route de la Grande-ligne
Lac-Etchemin QC G0R 1S0
*For the fate of the world depends on it.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 19, 2003 - Copy of an e-mail sent to the foundress of The Army of Mary:
Dear Marie-Paule,
Found in the same little box as the photo of Saint John (which was sent to you and which appears in Section VIII of The Asylum City), was the following letter that you sent me on December 9, 1991 and which concords very little, with the facts that took place between November 27, 83 and April, 84, related in Section VIII of The Asylum City, as well as with the messages given to Joseph Re you can find in this section, messages that come to give the truth just as the letter of January 24, 1984 below that shows a frank cordiality on your part without the least trace of mistrust. So here is the transcription of this letter of December 9, 1991:
Dear John/Albert,
My absence these days explain my delay in answering you.
I shall be frank with you even though truth hurts.
When I came to know Bernard, after the first evening when he had talked a lot, we all had the same impression: danger, illuminism.* But, you know, we do not condemn and we give each one the time to stand the test.
The Virgin Who weeps? We had doubts and we regretted having them. With time, we would see more clearly.
His second visit permitted us to scrutinize further and see concretely the errors he was passing on. We were on our guard.
I had "asked for help", you write? Yes, but it did not mean it was about Bernard. At the beginning, though with reserves, we forged ahead, but at the third visit, it was conclusive enough to withdraw. And you know the rest.
Above all do not believe that Bernard's thought to have the statue in Rome would have opened the doors to the A. of M. Bernard continually came in contradiction with the indications I received. There were two or three perceptions which were akin: combination of circumstances. That is why we withdrew in silence while he roused a storm against us with others. God is never in these storms. You seem to have taken hypotheses for realities in Lac-Etchemin where there was never talk of The City of the Immaculate, except by Bernard. Regarding Mr. Mastropietro**, it is he who had said having felt called to build later on a large church or basilica. There was no confirmation on our part. I always leave full freedom to people, telling myself that men's plans fall on their own, but if they come from God they are subjected to persecution.
I recall your dream-vision of the tree about which you talk. Do not seek to understand. If that has to come about, it will be done without your being aware of it, perceiving it afterwards. This is how God works.
I could tell you a lot, but for the time being all remains silent.
Let God work as He intends and let us remain little.
In unity of prayer,
*To afterwards invite him to come and live at the
Center?!! (Cf. Section VII)
so he would be more available to Marie-Paule (cf. letter below) in
her gigantic task of establishing The City of the Immaculate and be
on site to facilitate the biographical writings by Raoul Auclair
keenly interested (cf. photos below and letter of January 24, 1984
that follows). Besides, Sr. Sylvie Payeur had already begun an expert
task of cataloguing the many photos taken of the weepings of the
statue of the Weeping Madonna of Canada as well as of other images
and statues in tears since 1977 and which were continuing without
stop. (At the Center of the Army of Mary the statue did not weep but
began to exude oil - a diabolical sign it was said to the sisters who
had the statue before its departure, cf. Section VII,
when it was the contrary!) An immense task of dates with numerous commentaries.
But Bernard declined the offer under the pretext of lonesomeness for his little abode in Saint John, NB, where all had begun. And I received the same invitation to come and stay with Bernard during my visits to Quebec. This did not incite him to change his mind to the chagrin of his director, Fr. Jean-Paul Bélanger, who lived at the Centre as director of the Army of Mary.
I shall never say it often enough: from the beginning there were two evil angels at work, one near Marie-Paule under the aspect of "the little Michael", with orders and counter-orders to make things go round in circles and sow confusion, and symbolized by the serpent of the dream-vision of April 80, and the other under the aspect of "the blue angel" whose identity and presence Bernard hid for quite a long while. And Heaven wept and wept! I shall even hear, in February 89, the Eternal Father's distress over the betrayal of those he had chosen and prepared, this during a bilocation which lasted five hours (cf. A10, Section V).
But Heaven in its mercy is watching! And Heaven wants to restore its plans regarding The City of the Immaculate, but this time within The Asylum City!
**What will Mr. Mastropietro say when he learns that?!
It is certainly not he who conceived the idea of the great City of
the Immaculate. He cleared the lands!!
Here is now the other letter of January 24, 1984, featured in Section VIII with a note of explanation:
Dear John/Albert,
I am sending back the sheets by return mail.
A thousand thanks for your well-done work. Raoul is very pleased with it as we are. This evening I tried to telephone Bernard, but I got no answer.
We are awaiting you in February. We shall then exchange more and benefit from the moments that Mary will grant us.
With gratitude,
We wish that you can come on site, at the foot of the White Birch in The Asylum City where came for the first time the Virgin on one August 27, 1992, and where Heaven awaits you to shed the whole light on your coming role in this confusion sowed by the evil angels. You are therefore welcome in our midst.
Best regards and unity of prayer,
P.S. May the complete Third Testament on The Asylum City ... The New Jerusalem be downloaded from the website, and may we read it in depth. Time is running out!
The following photos do remind us of the time when good relations prevailed.
These photos were taken in 84 during our visit
at Raoul Auclair's in Paris, just before going to join the main group
of pilgrims of The Army of Mary in Lourdes. On the photo on the left:
Fr. Jean-Paul Bélanger, Raoul Auclair and Bernard Parks. On
the photo on the right:
Fr. Jean-Paul Bélanger, Raoul Auclair and Albert Arseneau (John/Albert).
This friendly visit will prove to be the last before the debacle.
Marie-Paule will tell me on February 13, 2000, in St. Hyacinthe, QC,
that Fr. Philippe Roy and Raoul Auclair had come within a hair's
breadth to quit the A. of M. What a struggle had thus been engaged to
repulse The One Who weeps!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 21, 2003 - Since the notice of closure of the diocesan center of the Army of Mary sent to the animator on January 25, 2002, an absolute campaign of pressure followed so she cut all link with former members, as John/Albert, considered as adversaries. A password was issued so, one after the other, all members of the family belonging to the Army of Mary exert pressure on her, and, as a crowning piece, the foundress herself was "made" to give a telephone call.
Having been fully enlightened on the true nature of the campaign launched by the Evil One to prevent any rapprochement between "M" and "A" as given the messenger of the Amsterdam apparitions (cf. Eucharistic Experiences, May 31, 1971; and Section V), the animator accepted to send to Marie-Paule, "M", the following letter:
Dear Marie-Paule,
This is not about a choice between John/Albert and the Army of Mary, rather a choice between a new order and an old order now passé. Moreover, I have to be the "link" between the old order and this new order.
To comprehend everything, you must read from cover to cover The Third Testament on The Asylum City ... The New Jerusalem, the new City of the Immaculate, where you must come to work at its establishment here with John/Albert, the new John.
Come with another person whom you think able to understand, and everything will be explained to you. We think this enlightened person "could" be Sylvie Payeur.* You will know.
Once here, all will be explained to you in order to give you back your real role of the "servant" of Our Lady of All Peoples. This will be at the same time a dramatic and dynamic turning point to give back to the Army of Mary full stride.
You will be the one called to organize everything anew, on site here in The Asylum City that is a concrete reality. Read well The Third Testament, asking The Divine Will to make you understand. A work of starting afresh, but also a work of restoration!
So, once again, I do not have to make a choice, but rather fulfill my role as "link".
All here understand and await you so that you reorganize everything and lay the foundations for new organisms under the umbrella of the Community of Our Lady of All Peoples, the One who will govern in The New Jerusalem.
The Asylum City under your guidance must become, one day that is not far, the refuge of the great marian work that was entrusted to you, but there will be an agonizing struggle. Many will not understand your role, even of those who are close to you today. Perhaps you will find yourself with the proverbial handful of people disposed to follow you.
Therefore, Marie-Paule, it is rather up to you to correspond to the call that Heaven makes to you. Read in depth The Third Testament and you will understand.
Noëlla Comeau
*Man proposes, but God disposes. By the contents of
the letter below sent to the animator in the wake of the pressure
exercised on her, Sylvie Payeur would thus not be the person that
Heaven would designate to accompany Marie-Paule in her coming to The
Asylum City. By her letter Sylvie does not place herself at the
mystical height of events, thus her comprehension of the disaster
which happened in New York on September 11, 2001. In her article in
the paper "The Kingdom", on the subject, she considers this
as the Warning announced at Garabandal. Now the Great Miracle which
is said to follow the Warning in the year following, so in 2002, has
not occurred! No, alas, she places herself among the courtiers who
surround Marie-Paule and who are far from serving her well. They
know how to talk, but it all ends there, without understanding
the drama which is unfolding within the movement, symbolized by the
Tree wrapped by the serpent (cf. Section VIII, April 1980).
Wherefore the struggle to dislodge the Evil One will be rough. And
the situation is dramatic to this point that it is necessary to have
exorcisms performed to put to flight the "little Michael."
Who could have expected such a saga. And to say that a handful only are aware of the drama. Well, if only the bishops in Canada could become aware by reading "Life of Love" and see how this infernal angel was imposed on the foundress, they would cease the struggle against an authentic movement and come to help rather than fight it. They would become aware that here is a work attacked from within and without. So what accounts shall have to be paid one day! And yet the foundress at the time did so much effort to enroll the help of the Church. One day we shall be made aware of the incredible martyrdom Marie-Paule must have endured in the grip of the "little Michael" imposed by a prelate, despite the fact she did not want it!! Let us read volumes XI, XII and XIII of "Life of Love." Only the "Little Ones" understand and are desolate! John/Albert
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 22, 2003 - Pressure exercised on Noëlla ...
Dear Noëlla,
Marie-Paule gave me a copy of the letter which you sent her yesterday by e-mail: since you mentioned my name with the proposition that I accompany her for the visit in The Asylum City ...
If the Army of Mary and its related works - inserted today in the Community of Our Lady of All Peoples - have known such a development, it is because Marie-Paule has always faithfully followed the indications she received from Above: "You, always follow your angel", had told her Msgr. Jean-Pierre Van Lierde, then her spiritual director; and her last director, Mgsr. Emery Kabongo, asked her "to always follow the indications she received." This is to say all the confidence these two priests had in the authenticity of Marie-Paule's charisms.
Marie-Paule would not be in obedience if she had to bend to the demands of persons who say are mandated by Heaven to give her directives. This brings to my mind the sad episode when, during a trip to Belgium, in 1973, Marguerite, the messenger of the Legion of the Little Souls, had given a message from "Heaven" to the effect that the Legion had to receive in its bosom the Army of Mary (!). Or again, in the 1980's, Bernard Parks' messages regarding the Army of Mary, which, by following the Lord's orders given to Marie-Paule, continued to develop in another direction.
Each movement has its charisms and its field of endeavor, and any Founder must expect to meet with difficulties and incomprehension, if not persecution. But if the Founder goes forth according to the divine Designs, God will send the necessary means to lead well the mission that He entrusted: this is the reality that Marie-Paule does not cease to live, while God sees to all the needs of the movement, giving it the means to start the projects He continues to indicate as and when required for the region of Lac-Etchemin and not for New Brunswick.
The Army of Mary and "The Asylum City" could not unite, each one having to go ahead trying to be faithful to the Divine designs. And it is very difficult to commit oneself to two movements so different, so this is why Marie-Paule asked you to make a choice. When I came to know the Army of Mary, I belonged to another movement and the animator of the Army of Mary in my region had told me that I had to chose between the Army of Mary and that movement, for it was not the same spirit that animated them; I understood afterwards the soundness of her words and I hope that I shall always be faithful to the Army of Mary I have been following for twenty years, very happy to be part of it.
Dear Noëlla, I wish you also to find the way that suits you.
Sylvie Payeur
P.S. John/Albert calls himself "the new John": it would be surprising that his role be within the Army of Mary, for Heaven has already indicated the name of two Sons of Mary who already play that role in the bosom of the movement (indications that Marie-Paule has related in the pages of our paper The Kingdom).
N.B. Sylvie seems to forget that at one time
Marie-Paule had agreed to an alliance with The Legion of Mary and The
Blue Army - not her fault if she was rejected - also with The Marian
Movement for Priests and The Militia of Christ - an alliance broken
by the "little Michael" in these last two cases, not to
mention the rejection of The City of the Immaculate. The one and only
choice that was rightly asked was between The Army of Mary and the
Charismatic Renewal, assuredly of two different spirits, one
vis-à-vis the other, which is the reason why Marie-Paule had
been rejected twice in the beginning.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 25, 2003 - In answer to the letter of January 17 above ...
Poor André,
Do put aside your stamps! You, as well as the other officious characters of the "little Michael", do you believe you are fighting against me? Would you be that blind? Do read The Third Testament of The Asylum City asking the Holy Ghost and Our Lady of All Peoples to enlighten you , and you will then understand the full drama that is taking place in the movement since the imposition of the "little Michael" on the foundress by a high cleric from Rome, himself under the influence of a false "Maria." And this dignitary, supposed to guide Marie-Paule, betrayed her by imposing an evil spirit without even reading "Life of Love", which would be advantageous for you to read again in these times when "out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed."
Act fast, for you risk to turn even against Marie-Paule. The stakes are grave to this point. What will you do when she will soon slip from your hands once she is freed from the "little Michael" and will take in hand her true role? No wonder that in the end there will only be a handful on whom she will be able to count ... and as I see things she really does not have too many real friends around her, her real friends being rather afar towards whom she will soon have to go.
The new order of things is at our doorsteps and you remain attached to a time that is passé. You make The Army of Mary go around in circles when you stiffle Marie-Paule by your ridiculous adulations. But the Eternal Father is looking after his movement and the new order is arriving.
André, I shall not know what to do with all the stamps of the officious agents. There are many, I know, having observed you all for quite a long time! bows, flatteries, etc. Yet Marie-Paule was not holding court. You risk to pay dearly your attitudes which are stiffling a movement.
Time is pressing, and Heaven is sounding the alert. I do not threaten, I cry in vain, though, to the people around the tree of the prophetic dream-vision of 1980 authenticated by Marie-Paule (cf. Section VIII of The Asylum City ... The New Jerusalem).
I believe in the movement and in Marie-Paule's true mission ... not in an officious entourage!
A friend,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
May 14, 2003 - A question by John/Albert to Our Lady through Joseph Re ...
(a) Is this vision of the Antichrist portrayed as Satan dressed as a magician in black garbs, with a goatee, pointed mustache and eyebrows, with smooth black hair, standing at the left of the altar just before Mass this morning (in the church in Robertville, NB), a true vision, saying, "From now on, it is I who preside"?
(b) The comprehension was that this had to do with the now present state of the Church in general (everywhere), and also with the state of the celebrant coming up the aisle and about to enter the sanctuary, because of the Charismatic Renewal having taken over. Is this correct?
"Your comprehension is correct."
(c) Thus, this brings us, does it not, to the point where we shall have to abstain from going to these churches where they hold (or have held) Charismatic inspired healing Masses from now on!
"Yes, it is so."
Joseph Re
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Lachrymation on March 15, 1987
in Saint John, NB, Canada
In homage of adoration and love to The Most Blessed Trinity and in order to have appreciated ever more the marvelous gift of The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we publish this little leaflet under the title of Mass of Saint John. This Mass, textually extracted from the Missal, is composed of three liturgical prayers that constitute the quintessence of The Holy Mass, and we call it Mass of Saint John as we could entitle it Mass of the Apostles and even Mass of Jesus on Maundy Thursday.
Due to the withdrawal of my Son Jesus from man's Church as of May 14, 2003, as given in vision to John/Albert while waiting for Mass, confirming Daniel 12:11, our aim is to facilitate for fundamentally pious souls a more pleasing and efficacious manner in offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in continual union with my Son Jesus as given to his little daughter, Luisa Piccarreta, Volume 12, March 27, 1918. These little souls with faith in God, however small in number, fused in the Divine Will sharing in a Divine Sanctity, continue offering the Holy Sacrifice from the rising and setting of the sun. What a consoling thought that the whole of our life flows in every Mass since the Cenacle, present, past and future, multiplied as many times as you wish. All this power and knowledge given to us by Jesus in view of the arrival of Daniel 12:11, as of May 14, 2003.
Friends and apostles of the Sacred Heart, learn by heart this beautiful liturgical prayer and take the practice to celebrate this Mass of Saint John as often as possible, in the midst of your occupations, your trips, as in the solitude of your room. Thus you will be able to live in full the extraordinary grace of your daily Mass. Offer this pious practice for the reign of The Heart of Jesus, the sanctification of consecrated souls and the conversion of the prodigals in your families.
Mass of Saint John
- I -
Receive, O Holy Father, God Almighty and eternal, this Host without blemish that I, your unworthy servant, offer Thee, to Thee Who art my Living and True God, for my innumerable sins, offenses and negligences, for all the assistants and for all Christians both living and dead, so that It be of benefit to my salvation and theirs for eternal life. Amen.
- II -
Who, the day before He suffered, took bread into His holy and venerable hands, and with His eyes lifted up towards heaven unto Thee, God, His almighty Father, giving thanks to Thee, He blessed it, brake it and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and eat ye all of this,
FOR THIS IS MY BODY.In like manner, after He had supped, taking also this excellent chalice into His holy and venerable hands, and giving Thee thanks, He blessed and gave to His disciples, saying: Take and drink ye all of this,
- III -
Lord, I am not worthy that I pour* myself into Thee; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed. (Three times.) May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto life everlasting.
* Cf. "The Poem of the Man-God", Maria Valtorta, Vol. 2, p. 645, "You will have to become molten in Me, as if you lay in the clay mold used by those who melt metals to shape them."
* * * * * * * * * * * *
September 19, 2003, Our Lady of La Salette - Comments regarding Andrew C. Wingate FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) as, first given to Freitag Publishing, 1118 W. Magnolia Blvd. #205, Burbank, CA 91506, and then put on the internet January 8, 2003.
It must be said at the onset that Andrew Wingate belongs to a schismatic group. He was called to be The Trumpeter of the Apocalypse but his foray into the Old Roman Catholic Church (of the Utrecht Succession) and his dealings with the Zambian archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, a faith healer and an exorcist, under constant surveillance by Rome, and who later left the Church to join the Moonist Cult and marry a member, sidetracked him completely to the point that he is now leading people astray with his Sequence of Events.
What is worse is that he convincingly mix the real with the unreal giving a fanciful mosaic of the events purely out of his mind which is a convoluted maze, as shown to me in a vision some years ago.
What one must follow are the Scriptures, the approved messages from The Blessed Virgin to humanity for the past 100 years and over, such as those given at La Rue Du Bac, France, La Salette, France, Garabandal, Spain, etc, etc, and approved eschatological writers directly inspired by Saint John such as Raoul Auclair, of Paris and Quebec City ... but stay away from all Pentecostal writers, whether Protestant or Catholic. And above all, one has to pray to The Divine Will as expounded to Luisa Piccarreta in all of her writings.
But one now has to read The Third Testament of The Asylum City as given to The Guardian of Mary, John/Albert and the many answers given to Joseph Re of Faithful & True of the Midwest found in The Third Testament. The website number for The Asylum City is in The Third Testament.
All the details about The End Times are given in the above writings up to the end of the 2nd millenium and the beginning of the 3rd, the beginning of The New Era with the inauguration by Our Lord in his Intermediate Coming, of The New Jerusalem in The Asylum City where will reign His Mother with the 12 new Apostles who will help the monarchs who will guide the peoples and who will form the new theocracy governing in the Church of St. John.
Heaven now wants these errors corrected, made by Andrew, who forfeited his mission, in order to enlighten the Little Ones.
Regarding the Rapture: those of the 91's who are to be raptured before the events, will come to enlighten the 144,000 who are called to come to The Asylum City. Those who will convert at The Warning, may if they so wish, be caught in a more general rapture that will occur in order to protect them from the onslaught of the Antichrist who has started reigning on May 14, 2003.
*See the following map for the paths of invasion of
North America as given to Andrew Wingate, The Trumpeter,
presently of: RR1, Box 63A, Courtland, MN 56021.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
September 21, 2003 - ...
A deep mystery is here unfolding, but only a few will fully grasp. Oh! The unfathomable wisdom and merciful justice of God! And the victory has been given to Our Blessed Mother Who will keep crushing the head of the serpent till the time of the End - not directly, for the Immaculate cannot come in contact with the Evil One! but through her servant Marie-Paule, for the next 1000-year Era, and then be hurled into The Lake of Fire for eternity of eternities. Lucifer will feel the crushing weight of its arch Enemy's through the soul he deceived so long by impersonating the "little Michael" imposed by a prelate and will thus be paralyzed and made to witness and serve Mary's victory despite himself. Oh! the victory of Mary! And God's plan could not be "solidified" until the full consent of the servant to come to The Asylum City in order to bring to full fruition God's designs. Marie-Paule's role in the economy of salvation will have to be redefined. She has to take on the very form of the Enemy so he can better be crushed!! (As I was given to see symbolically in visions.) He crushed a woman, at the beginning, now at the end, a woman totally given to Mary will crush him through Her, The Woman.
Two photos ... same subject: the crushing of the head
of Satan by the New Eve, The Servant
of Our Lady of All Peoples at different epochs ... during The Church
of Peter, on the left,
during The Church of John , in The Asylum City, The New Jerusalem, on
the right, Marie-Paule is the
"servant" acting as the foot, the "talon" taking
revenge on the old serpent.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
November 3, 2003 - A fax by John/Albert to Joseph Re ...
Joseph Re, you do agree to the importance of the message as portrayed in our skies, but since you do not want to see it as applying to the predicament you are presently in, and confirming my apprehension that there was a rending apart of our relationship making Our Lady and Our Lord's Hearts bleed as portrayed in the phenomenon in our skies (on October 30th) at the very time of our controversy, then you perhaps need not come to The Asylum City as everything is over and out - a most unsuspected ending "reflecting" itself in bloodred because of the dire consequences for humanity by hastening the events. Would you not therefore place yourself on the same level as Marie-Paule, Andrew and William?
Who would have ever thought that "Appendix" would have meant all the above, and more, and be written in such a way ... in blood!
Am I dramatizing? No, I have seen it coming for the past two to three years ... and that is why Heaven wanted you away on your own ... but the Evil One always succeeded in counteracting Heaven to cancel Its counsels and put you back under evil influences. Now I understand the many turnabouts!
And the Evil One succeeded on putting the leash on you when you kept putting your family and wife before God.
Joseph Re, perhaps have you forfeited your mission and joined the many other apostles who have defected.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
November 4, 2003 - Joseph Re to Our Blessed Mother ...
Dear Mother, once again, if it is in your favor and in the Will of God, I have decided to drive to the airport since my wife is going out at 11:30 A.M. and I am making a date with Larry Frey, is this what I should do, leave now for The Asylum City, as Monica advised me with John/Albert agreeing,* or would it be better to have the two-week planned trip leaving Thursday or Friday of week ending Nov. 15th (or Nov. 22nd), in Margaret's good graces, as I have no problem with either date? I love You, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
"Yes, I shall take care of Margaret. Your absence will be less than a month and you will be together again. She will now believe you one hundred percent, I promise you.
"Your Mother, Mary."
Joseph Re
* But when Joseph Re left earlier, as time was
pressing - in fact the next day only, on account of a mix-up in the
computer which prevented him to pick up his ticket - all Hell broke
loose: the Evil One's ploy had been foiled!
A sudden turnabout in Joseph Re's wife Margaret and daughter Peggy's attitude regarding Joseph Re's planned trip to The Asylum City to leave on Thursday or Friday of week ending on November 15th or on the 22nd, as said above, put a halt to this plan. This reversal suddenly came about with the story that they could no longer allow Joseph Re to come to The Asylum City again as he had nearly died from a heart ailment the last time he had come. Of course this story was preposterous as all of us in our group in The Asylum City would have remembered. Immediately we recognized Hell's fury against "Reflections" Joseph Re had started to write and was to finish in The Asylum City. This induced a rift between Joseph Re and me, as I informed Joseph Re of the Evil One's attack. Joseph Re insisted that this was no invention of his wife and moreover Our Lady had said I had had a memory lapse: something possible for one person, but not for a whole group! I did not insist further, but Monica Wilcott and I agreed that Joseph Re would then have to leave as quickly as possible, even covertly if necessary - which is what took place.
We could not give credibility to the story of the heart ailment as we recognized it as the Evil One's ploy. Later Joseph Re would come to recognize the battle for what it was, an effort to stop him.
Alas this rift reflected itself in our skies on October 30th, but with Joseph Re's humble amendment, everything fell back in place.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
November 30, 2003 - ...
One aspect only of the task assigned to Marie-Paule. The other is symbolized by the chain around Our Lady's neck when she came to La Salette, in 1846. Thus not only would the snake be under Our Lady's foot for 1,000 years, in The New Jerusalem, but also on a chain with Marie-Paule's consent as the "servant" to help Our Lady in this task as God the Father cannot allow the Pure One to come in contact with the serpent, thus a great honor and great grace, unique in the history of mankind, for Marie-Paule to expiate what the serpent, in the disguise of "the little Michael", made her do for over 30 years with unnamable sufferings and give her the unique chance to reverse the roles - it would be her turn now to have "the little Michael", Lucifer, on a chain, not for 30 years, but for a 1,000 years in view of all creation this to the utter humiliation of the serpent. God's permissive justice in the Divine Will!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 14, 2003 - A short résumé on the following graphic ...
At the very moment Christ died on the cross, the veil of the Temple in Jerusalem rent itself, thus indicating that God had withdrawn from the Temple to mark the end of Judaism which was to serve, nevertheless, as the basis for the Church of Christ founded on Peter for the next 2,000 years.
Now on May 14, 2003, i.e. at the end of the 2,000 years, Satan came to stand at the left of the altar in the very church where I was that morning, in the church of St. Teresa of Avila of Robertville, NB, of The Asylum City, at the time and place decreed by the Father, under the disguise of a magician saying, "Today, and from now on, it is I who preside." And on the same day came out from Quebec City a notice on the internet by the primate of the Church in Canada, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, declaring openly that from now on the Church was charismatic-pentecostal.*
Once again, therefore, the veil of the Temple rent itself, so to speak, to mark yet again the end of the official Church of the time, this time the Church of Sardis (Apoc. 3:2-6), now vowed to Satan under the disguise of the Antichrist magician (cf. sketch of May 14, 2003, Section IX).
And this came to mark the end of the Church of Peter!
But the Church was not to disappear for all that since it would serve as the springboard to the Church of John, in the catacombs, for sure, during the time of the Antichrist, period of transition, when each one of the small remnant has to follow the Mass of Saint John, providentially put out in leaflet form, in Saint-Jean, QC, July 30, 1944, by Msgr. Anastase Forget.
Yes, in the catacombs especially as the Holy Father, John Paul II will be "taken" from Rome on the following July 7th, having been sequestered since 1996 without the knowledge of the world and replaced by an impostor just as it had happened to Paul VI, with the difference that the latter was not "taken" but died.
So, what Daniel had predicted for our times had come about, "the abomination unto desolation" (Dan. 12:11), the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away in the official Church.
The Church of Peter, as it was said, would from now on become the Church of John, and officially, once the days of the transition would be over and would begin the 1,000 years of the Church of Philadelphia (Apoc. 3:7-13), the New Era, the Reign of Peace asked for so long in the Pater, "thy Kingdom come", and that the New Jerusalem come down, and where shall come to reign Our Lady of All Peoples, proclaimed by Ida Peerderman, in Amsterdam, Holland, March 25, 1945, the Virgin Mary with the 12 new apostles, and the monarchs named at the head of the diverse peoples, to form the universal theocracy, the real government of the New Era.
At last, there is the new Church of Christ, the Church of John in these "new heavens and a new earth" which will mark the 7th day of the week of 7,000 years of the history of humanity (cf. the following graphic).
This transition in the Church of Christ and the different destinies of Peter and John had been prefigured at the very end of the Gospel of John, "So I will have him to remain till I come", said Jesus to Peter, (and) "what is it to thee?" (John 21:22).
And between that time when will be interrupted the continual
sacrifice, and will stand "the abomination unto desolation",
there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days (Dan. 12:11)
a period already begun since May 14, 2003 and which will bring us to
November 14, 2006.
* And these days had been announced by John Paul II,
the last of all the popes - for there will not be any, even in the
New Era - during his meditation on the second last mystery of the
sorrowful mysteries of the rosary he was reciting at Lourdes,
"The path of love according to Christ is a difficult and
demanding path. We have to be realist. Those who only speak to you
about spontaneity, passivity, mislead you. The progressive mastery of
our life, the learning to be what God wants already demands a patient
effort, a struggle with oneself. Be men and women of conscience."
He was warning us against the false spirit of the
charismatic renewal which had invaded the whole Church to disfigure
it, with no one paying attention.
* * * * * * * * * * * *