THE ASYLUM CITY / ... The City of Our Lady of All Peoples ...

Cf. A14 & A17, Sept. 13, 1990, Section V

I - A Word of Caution

If on reading the booklet on The Asylum City of Canada you are somewhat surprised to see names of persons in whom you have difficulty to give credence due to certain factors in their lives, tell yourself that the battle of the Latter Days is rough and that indubitably much will occur for an allotted time.

I could remove their names but it might undermine the work of Divine Providence Who has placed these people on my path. The difficulties in their lives do not affect in any way the great plan of The Asylum City. Their participation in the plan of God, whether transient or not, will perhaps be, on the other hand, what will make the whole difference in final analysis when everything will have been weighed and said. The Mercy of God is infinite. I cannot therefore erase what Heaven will have permitted, and those who will not be able to find in their hearts an echo of indulgence and would like to mutilate the booklet on The Asylum City in order to do away with what does not please them are placing themselves in a difficult situation before Heaven.

Lucifer fulfilled his threat, made directly to the witness on August 7, 1989, that he would see to it that the instrument lose all his friends inside and outside The Community of Saint Joseph willed by God the Father in 1989. This threat was made in an infernal rage and, since then, he has been indeed very busy and successful with many.

John/Albert Arseneau        
Community of Saint Joseph of The Asylum City        
1125 Rte 134, CP/PB 3021        
Petit Rocher, NB E8J 3E7, Can.        

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September 5, 2000 - Concerning those who are tempted and have been tempted to discredit The Asylum City, I will pray that they find love in their hearts for their brother and his Divine order from God.

Our Lady, "John/Albert, has been given a Divine order. His gift to life is his determination. He is a messenger. There are many angels that center themselves in and around him who write through him."

Our Lord, "There is nothing more in the element of trust than the knowing that all in which one trusts and for which one reaches, is handled with lightness and spiritual truths."

Our Lady, "GOD is! Who is like GOD?"

Sherman Bridges, San Jose, CA, USA

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